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Question to Latour

Bdragon's picture
  • "Even though we have to continue fighting those who are in denial, I propose that we let them alone for a moment and seize this opportunity to advance our common cosmopolitics." (4) This says that instead of wasting our time trying to persuade people to fight for a cause, we need to focus on building strategies to move forward since that's not working?
  • "The concatenation of causes and consequences—and that’s what the real material world is made up of—does not trigger any dramatic effect, because, precisely—and that’s the beauty of it—the consequences are already there in the cause: no suspense to expect, no sudden transformation, no metamorphosis, no ambiguity."(10)
  • "The first reason is that it will allow us to put aside the strange idea that those who speak of Earth as a “living organism” are leaning toward some backward type of animism"

Question: How can we as a human not fall into the habit of separating ourselves from nature?