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Code of the Freaks (now in production)

Kristin's picture

Code of the Freaks uses cinema as a platform to discuss the multiple and
varied manifestations of disability oppression--from social attitudes to
institutionalized violence against disabled people. 

Code of the Freaks is a collaboration between:
Carrie Sandahl (Director of Bodies of Work and the Program on Disability
Arts, Cutlure, and the Humanities at the University of Illinois at
Chicago), Susan Nussbaum (author of Good Kings Bad Kings), Salome Chasnoff
(director and filmmaker of Beyondmedia's The Empowered FeFe films and The
Brink of Survival) and Alyson Patsavas (Lecturer at the University of
Illinois at Chicago).

More about the Project:
Taking its name from Tod Browning’s 1932 cult classic, Freaks, the film’s
“code” unpacks Hollywood’s 116-year history of exploiting disability
stereotypes, promoted through cinema’s most beloved characters and
storylines. Featuring local, national, and internationally-known disabled
artists, activists, and scholars, the film takes viewers through a
tour-de-force critique of Hollywood’s most egregious (mis)representations
of disability to tell a far more interesting story about their lives,
work, and desires for change in how disability is treated both on and off
the silver screen. CODE OF THE FREAKS explores the rich lives of disabled
people living at the intersections of race, class, age, gender, and
sexuality, exposing common myths about disability-- from the idea that
heterosexual romance has curative powers to the belief that disability is
a fate worse than death.

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A note about Access:
Code of the Freaks will be open captioned and audio described upon
completion. The kickstarter promotion video: (featuring film clips and the
filmmakers discussing the film) is open captioned and we are working on a
narrative description.

Thank you all for support
Aly Patsavas, Carrie Sandahl, Susan Nussbaum, and Salome Chasnoff