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Class and why we don't talk about it

Class and why we don't talk about it

Rellie's picture

Going along with what panda was saying, everyone is ignoring the impending nature of global warming. In addition to scientist backing out of talks about the drastic climate changes and governmental institutions not taking more preemptive steps towards a better future, no one is truly disscusing how all of this will effect the lower classes. In the green ghetto article Kolbert talks about how Van Jones has taken initiatives to create green jobs for the lower classes and other marginiized groups such as people who have just gotten out of prison and highschool drop outs. Most articles are like the first girl in As the World Burns, and provide dillusional solutions to a massive problem. Like everyone should switch energy sources and use this type of fuel or recycle. These solutions would have to occur on a mass scale however the majority of the population cannot afford them. More needs to be done in an accesible manner for the lower socioeconomic classes. Or better yet cater to them. 

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