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Western Civilization flaws

Western Civilization flaws

Bdragon's picture

I believe that one of Western Civilization's flaw is denial, in the aspect where we know what the issue is and how to fix it but we still deny responsibility. If the whole Western Civilization came together just like the animals did with the girl, we would be able to overcome climate change. As we can see our personal efforts are not having a big enough of an effect and we need to get to the root of the problem, which is to overthrow the government with leaders that will actually unify the country to fight against climate change.

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I partly agree with Bdragon's Western Civilization flaws. As Bdragon agrees with Society in denial, I also believe that one of the main problems of human beings in response to the environment issue is that we always refuse to face it. But as I read the sentence "If the whole Western Civilization came together just like the animals did with the girl, we would be able to overcome climate change." I start to wonder, how could that be possible?




