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Time Stops For No One

Time Stops For No One

MadamPresident's picture

As I read the earlier postings of this week, this paper stuck out the most to me because, it presents an argument that maybe the human population will continue to destroy the planet and before long it will be too late, and what next? Conquering another planet just to destroy it as well? Lately in class I have been all about the what if's in life. What if everyone was to recylce and the whole world went green, would this save us? What if people stopped littering and making waste depsits out of our oceans, lakes and streams, would dead zones and water "twisters" become nonexistant? What if people would lose their undying love for money and power and start looking at the bigger picture- money can't buy everything. I began to realize that even my what if thoughts were idelistic, becasue it is silly of me to think that a nation that was built off of conquest and slaves would suddenly stop and change it's ways to become this Utopian society, where teh grass is green and the water is blue and the sky is as clear and clean as the skies in our fantasy films. Katarina, made a very good point when stating that is almost too much to ask that everyone change and do better now. I realize that once you are set in your ways, that you develop certain habits, and the things you care about may not be grave importance. The Collapse of Western CCivilization and As the the World burns, in their titles alone tell teh story of our world. Our planet is slowly dying at the hands of our very own people, and unless we get a collective group of people who share similar, healthy, and pragmatic mindsets we will watch our world die before our very eyes. Unfortunately I don't think there will be another plant that will be available for conquest.










"I began to realize that even my what if thoughts were idelistic.... [it] is almost too much to ask that everyone change and do better now. I realize that once you are set in your ways, that you develop certain habits, and the things you care about may not be grave importance." But what if not everyone has to change? 'As The World Burns' suggests that since the government is influenced too much by money and corporations to combat climate change, society must take it upon itself to overthrow "the system" and get off a path to distruction.
