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All Is Not Lost on Climate Change

Jessie Zong's picture

After the election, many people, myself included, has lost hope, and terrified about what is going to happen to our country. The article that I read is attemping to spread some positivity in this situation. With the republicans controlling both houses of Congress, Trump's words will easily become aw with very few barriers. Trump has said he simply does not believe that global warming and climate change is happening. He promised to favor the economy over environment in all cases and stripping fundings for these climate change acts. However, despite all of this nonsense, this is not the end for us. "This isn't just about Trump. It's about you, too." renewables are getting cheapter and we need to take advantage of that. Although, we need systemic changes to perserve our planet for the future, but that doesn't mean we can't change by taking these small steps in our daily lives.