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All Over Creation Quotes

starfish's picture

"'Seasonable Cultural Practices'- how he liked the sound of that! I remember him practicing the phrase, standing in front of the mirror in the bathroom....Fuller Farms seemed living proof to all that with the cooperation of God and Science, and the diligent application of seasonable cultural practices, man could work in harmony with nature to create a relationship of perfect symbiotic mutualism."


"'Can't you stop using it?'

She looked pityingly at me. 'You really don't know shit about potatoes, do you? We got three thousand acres, it's not that easy.'

'But if it's poisoning you'..." (77)


"We only have maybe a dozen kinds left in commercial production here, because engineers have decided that potatoes all have to be the same size. Diversity is inconvenient to mechanized farming. This is what what happens when agriculture becomes agribusiness." (125)