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All Over Creation Quotes

Calliope's picture

"Cassie had started out as a pea. Up through the third grade she was content in this role, but by the time she got to fourth, she had gained so much weight they made her a potato. She said it was fine, said really she didn't mind - that's just the kind of girl she was - but inside she minded a lot" (7).

"Cass pulled away and went back to her pa king. Resignation. Too many years spent as a potato" (9).

"The door burst open with an icy blast and Geek straggled in. His green tights sagged at the knees, and his burlap diaper was heavy with wet and melting snow. His glassss were completely fogged. 'Dudes,' he said, teeth chattering. 'I juh... just gotta say, sometimes I hate being the frig... friggin' potato!'" (95).