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Norris Square Reflection

Penguin18's picture

Overall, I really enjoyed our trip to Norris Square. I think that it is great that this community center provides teens with a safe space that they probably would not have otherwise. In this part of Philly I can imagine that there are a lot of contact zones that involve violence and other things that should try to be avoided. The gardens and youth group in Norris Square are great places for these teens to esacpe from the danger in their community. Being a part of this group gives them a new community that they can rely on without getting caught up in what is happeneing around them. I especially find it important that they are able to express themselves through art and music. This form of communication and expression is a lot easier for many people to connect with, rather than just speaking. I hope that one day the rest of the community will be ready to contribute to the program and gardens in a positive way. I think that this would eventually form a lot closer and safer community for everyone.

I particularly found the peace garden very interesting because it seems like it is trying to connect to many different cultures. I saw this by looking at the pole in the middle with the different languages on it. This mix of communities and backgrounds creates a contact zone that has the potential to be very positive as long as everyone is open and understanding.