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The Sixth Extinction: Chapter 1

dorothy kim's picture
  • Forests are an example of mass extinctions, species of frogs are dying off. 
  • Kolbert makes an understandable statement about the state of species in the world. 
  • Frogs - existed since 400 million years ago and their disappearance marks a dangerous point. 
    • "It occurred to me that the frogs and their progeny, if they had any, and their progeny's progeny, if they had any, would never again touch the floor of the rainforest but would live out their days in disinfected glass tanks."
    • Natural world is becoming "unnatural".
  • Bd: Fungus 
    • Lives on its own and goes on the frog's skin, killing them. 
    • "Interferes with frogs' ability to take up critical electrolytes through their skin. This causes them to suffer what is, in effect, a heart attack."