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Project Proposal: Gender Identification Policies

kcweiler20's picture

For my project, I would like to look into Bryn Mawr's policies regarding transgender and gender non-conforming students, and the college's history, as a historically women's college, regarding these students. I wish to explore, as well, the college's history of using pronouns when introducing oneself, such as during customs week and in classes, and would also like to see to what extent this strategy is used in other institutions of higher education. I want to delve into the use of inclusive language on this campus, as well as others, and how this change could be made at places of secondary education, such as high schools, and the extent which students would benefit from a more widespread movement of introducing themsevles with pronouns. I would also like to see how this practice has impacted Bryn Mawr's students in terms of their feelings of belonging in the community. I plan to explore the archives to see to what extent they can indicate the history of trans and non-conforming students and the college's policies, comparing them to policies at other women's colleges and co-ed institutions. I would also get firsthand knowledge through conversations with fellow students who identify in these ways, as well as administrators who played a part in implementing the policies that affect these students.