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Kid at Heart

KatarinaKF's picture

I have always loved to play. I remember when I was younger, my favorite game was "Let's Pretend". My friends and I would pretend that we were stuck on an island, we were movie stars and we lived in mansions, or we would reenact our favorite movie scenes. We would always come up with crazy scenarios. The more crazy, the better.

I also loved playing with Barbies, American Girl dolls, or stuffed animals. I remember that when I would play "School" and I was the teacher, I would line up my toys and read books to them. Teaching my stuffed animals cursive was very difficult. I also loved taking big boxes and turning them into a house. My dad and I would draw furniture, beds, windows, tables, and even mailboxes on the boxes! Another favorite was playing with toy food, credit cards, and fake money. I used to think I was so grown up because I had hundreds of dollars in my purse, and I didn't even have to work to earn that money!

Playing is definitely something I miss the most about being younger. I could escape into any world or scenario that I could think of. I was another person in the games I played and it was fun to act as someone else! Although to this day, I cannot shy away from a good game of "Let's Pretend". When I babysat in high school, my neighbors loved to play and I would play with them for hours. I miss not having many responsiblities when I was younger.

I am and always will be a kid at heart.