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"Slipping" Response

Penguin18's picture

Overall I really enjoyed "Slipping."  One part that I found interesting was the way the differnt Jewish students reacted to the Christmas lights in the room.  I was a little surpirsied that one of the girls was offended by the lights being up.  I have never thought of festive lights as overpowering because they do not represent the religious side of the holiday, only the happy, party side to it.  I am Jewish and I do not celebrate Christmas, but it still makes me feel good to see Christmas lights and listen to holiday songs.  I like to think of all of that as winter festivities and I enjoy that time of the year even though I have no real connection to the holiday.  At the same time I can understand why the girl was offended because she thought of the lights as strictly part of a holiday that she doesn't celebrate.  I appreciate the way that this situation is presented in the story because it shows a nice balance of differing ideas on the same subject.