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Why I chose my Avatar and Username

Calliope's picture

I chose my username because I really like Greek mythology and I love music. I've sung in a few chorus' and I've also played a few interuments so it seemed fitting to choose that name. I took the picture that I chose for my profile. It is of my dog, Rino, when I went on vacation with my family. He had just taken a forced swim lesson and was drying off on the dock. I remember he was nervous about going in the water but still came in because my whole family was swimming and he wanted to be close to us. I chose this picture because it was the last family vacation before college, a sort-of farewell vacation. My dad, my sister, my dog, and I drove up to Maine and rented a cabin for a week. This is a tradition that we've had for two years. I remember when we first drove up to Maine, we had just adopted Rino and he was so happy to be outside with us. In the cabin, everyone is always positive and happy and I wanted to have a picture that reminded me of that. I hope to bring the same positivity to my classes and college life. I also wanted this picture to remind me of my family and the fun times we had together. When we rescued my dog from shelter two years ago, he was super shy. He adjusted very quickly and soon, he was a new, comfortable, fluffy member of the family. I think about my dog all the time and I miss him a ton. But if he can adjust to a whole new family, a new home, and a new life, I suppose I can too.