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Follow the Light

jccohen's picture

Last year I was on leave during the fall semester.  I'd just moved into the city of Philadelphia, the days were bright and blue, and I was learning to take pictures.  One late afternoon I was wandering with my camera through the narrow streets and alleyways over on the east side of the city.  I was in a little dead-end alley where the sun was coming down in slices, and I liked the way the light looked falling over the cobblestones and cement.  A guy was standing about a block away working his cell phone, but otherwise it was quiet.  Then a tall young man walking his dog crossed at the intersection with a larger street - was it Pine? - and called out to me:  "Hey, yeah follow the light!"  I laughed, agreed, and when I turned back into the alley a light blue balloon had settled just for a moment into a stripe of sunshine.  I don't think you can really make that out in the picture.  And I haven't been able to locate that alleyway again somehow...