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jody's notes about readings and syllabus

jccohen's picture

here are some notes on/context for the readings i just sent:

overall, i think i'm partly looking to infuse some social science stuff into our literacy framing...

the fine piece is a sort of research memoir of her par work inside, and it's both about stories and about research, and could help us think about research as a kind of literacy.  for me this connects with reading world/word, and freire also talks explicitly about research in this way in another book, so i could see this as part of a section that might include sudbury, maybe some sweeney, though not sure yet how would fit into whole...

monique morris's book is pushout, i heard her this past spring and like what she's doing though don't love the book.  she's working at the nexus of girls in schools and prisons, and really working with the girls, and making recs for schools... this piece interests me, though, bc of the spiritual language - just thinking that could be an intriguing way in to considering literacy in various contexts including this one... and again, a soc sci piece.

the sweeney piece from genre subtitled 'rethinking prisoners' discourse' is the intro to a special issue - lays out some thoughtful angles on literacy in relation to prison experiences, writers, writing about... and looks like the issue has historical overview, includes thoreau for ex, though i haven't read anything but this piece.  i like the way she's doing a lay of land thing, though again not sure where it would go - do see several possibilities.

the maher i did in learning in instit spaces last year - it's straight-up about teaching writing in prison, and takes a very different approach to the value/problems of storytelling of the women's writing, could be interesting in tension with some other stuff eg sweeney, and could go in section on writing andor section on prison stuff if we keep this organization...

and another thought in rel to that:  do we want to have a separate section that focuses on prison stuff or might we want to weave it more throughout - and what would be reasons/not for each?