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All About Love by Bell Hooks

pbernal's picture

Paloma, Sula, Meera, Gabriela, and Paola

Our group is reading All About Love by Bell Hooks. The following is a synopsis provided by The New York Times, " All About Love, written in a didactic style that would merge moral philosophy with self-help. It is a warm affirmation that love is possible and an attack on the culture of narcissism and selfishness. ''We yearn to end the lovelessness that is so pervasive in our society,'' she writes. ''This book tells us how to return to love.'' Some of the following points are referenced in her book, "Community -- extended family, creative or political collaboration, friendship -- is as important as the couple or the nuclear family; love is an art that involves work, not just the thrill of attraction; desire may depend on illusion, but love comes only through painful truth-telling; work and money have replaced the values of love and community, and this must be reversed."