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Class-Created Community Guidelines

alesnick's picture

Ed 200 Spring 2016 Guidelines for Class Community (created by our class)

Allow people scope to change their minds -- something a person says isn’t necessarily their last word -- ideas can be revised

On the other hand, hold yourself accountable for what you say if you make a mistake -- work to re-establish trust

Before you say something, see about saying where it is coming from (“based on my understanding of X” or “at my old school, we . . . “) -- on the other hand, hard to quickly boil down complexity.  

Get to know where everyone is coming from to have context behind what people are saying -- follow up one people’s comments with questions about their context.

Be engaged as you would want your students to be/let your students be if you were a teacher

Recognize various (intellectual and personal) goals for being here

Give each other and yourself permission to not always perform as a student

Try as much as possible not to perform -- be honest about your thoughts rather than say what you think is expected

Respect different ways of being present

Check in with the trajectory of the conversation -- collaborate in the conversation

Allow trust to grow with active engagement productive conflict, reassurance, encouragement, risk