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Undocumented Students about to/attending College: A Guide for Parents

lcastrejon's picture

Navigating the college and financial aid application process can be confusing, difficult and overwhelming for students and their families especially when a student is among one of the first in their families to attend college coming from an immigrant background. In most cases, immigrant parents are unfamiliar with the college application process let alone may encounter the additional challenges of there being a language barrier as well as citizenship status. Parents can be seen as the fundamental support system of their child and the importance to pursue a higher education has never been more stressed until now. In addition, it can only be imagined what kind of frustrations, stress and anxiety families may face when being unable to help their loved ones continue their education especially when being undocumented. Therefore, the following attachments have been provided in hopes to guide parents of undocumented students on how to better support their student throughout the college and financial aid process, once on campus and opportunities after college. Versions in English and Spanish have been provided for your convenience.

PDF icon E4FC_ParentGuide.pdf159.8 KB
PDF icon E4FC_ParentGuide_Spanish.pdf172.01 KB