December 18, 2014 - 14:22

Had I written a paper on Global Feminism, I think that I would have written about the intersections between western representation of Black feminism and the Nnaemeka proposal of Nego feminism in practices of feminist engagement. We spoke a lot about Beyoncé and Nicki Minaj presenting their view of feminism, and also the way that western Black feminism and western feminism tend to not always have the same goals. It was interesting to me that Nego feminism was put at odds with that when juxtaposed together. For me, while the circumstances were different, it seemed that all three partieswere working within their bounds to further their own goals, some just more successful (at least in our eyes) than others. I would have liked to explore that more and have a larger conversation about Global Feminism, although, the cancellation of that paper did make life at least a tad bit easier.