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project-into the future

rokojo's picture

In regards to our project, I think it would be great to get more perspectives from other trans students as well as people in admissions. It would also be great to talk to members of the board of trustees. We would like to share our finidngs with the larger bryn mawr community since it seems like there is some knowledge about admission of trans students but still also a lot of confusion. It would also be great to open up the community to further discussion as well as have discussion between the student body and the people in charge of making decisions. It seems like this is already going on to a certain extent, but having even more of this type of discussion would help the trans community be directly involved in the changes being made. I would like to understand better the best way in which to go about making changes since there does seem to be quite a bit of grey area and the language changes so quickly it's easy to make mistakes. 

From my peers, I affirmed my knowledge that the things we consume are problematic. It really drove home the point that capitalism is a huge issue for human rights as well as the environment. I wish I could learn more about the way in which we can reverse the systems that are so damaging to the world and our world community. Many people stated that their awarness made them question their choices to buy from certain places, but I'm not sure it's possible to live in this society without consuming things from problematic origins. How then, knowing we are implicit in these damaging institutions, can we reconcile this knowledge and work to make a change in the production/consumption systems we need to survive?