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Presentation Reflection

Presentation Reflection

wwu2's picture

Our presentation is about student’s academic purchases and printing. Throughout this project, by knowing of the astonishing printing fact, I am more aware of how many paper I print and become more environmentally conscious about printers. I might share my knowledge to my friends to encourage them to print less. I also enlarged my contact zone by scheduling appointment and interviewing my professors as well as librarians because normally I am nervous when I talk with people that I am not familiar with. But I found out that the faulty and staff at Bryn Mawr are super nice. In addition, I known their opinions on textbook purchases and printing fact which I normally would not have the opportunity to ask. As far as what you learned from my peers, I would say Rina thinks and talks really fast. For sure, this is something I need to learn of. She was really cooperative with my schedule, and didn’t mind meeting up late. Rina is a wonderful, hardworking, fun partner to work with, and I would love to work with her again in the future.










