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Reflections on 10 week projects

changing9's picture

While collecting data and researching the companies that we focussed on for our ten-week project, I learned to be more wary of unusually low priced clothing items. Seeing how most clothing companies were reluctant to share information regarding the production of their products, it made me realize that there is most probably labour exploitation on some level. However, I could not also help but think that most of these workers who the "White Saviours" want to save, would not actually want saving because they would be unemployed and unable to provide for their families. It is indeed a very complicated web, and one that is not easy to untangle.

Watching and listening to the other presentations, made me gain a new level of appreciation for all those people behind the scenes who have contributed in some manner towards all our material possessions. I was particularly intrigued by the presentation about the food at Bryn Mawr College, and what happens to the extra food. It made me realize that our contact zones are not only enlarged by the production process, but also by what happens post consumption.