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Emily/Rose Project (for the records)

aquato's picture

rokojo & I reported on our gathered info regarding trans inclusion at Bryn Mawr (link to the ppt here). We talked to different people in order to view the issue/debate from multiple angles. During the presentation, we discussed some history of transgender representation and admissions policies. In particular, in 2007 there was a plenary resolution to create a transgender task force in order to make the environment (with respect to this topic) at the college a safe, healthy, inclusive, and supportive one. It was from this task force that sparked Spectra and a number of reforms like changing bathroom signs, changing language used in the SGA constitution, educating public safety, introducing the pins during customs week with pronouns, and more! 

However, there is tension between the student body and the board of trustees/township that, for the most part, controls the college's admissions policy. Also, there is debate on how we should go about being more inclusive; certain tactics used in the current policy seem reasonably inclusive to some, while exclusive to others. There is a lot of work to be done both in our college community and outside if we want there to be successful, productive progress.