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New Metrics

Here are some interesting sites for students concerning

The MeTrIc SyStEm

  • Click here for a slide show on Metrics Made Simple

    This is a great site to answer many FAQs

  • Click here and scroll to "Some examples..."

This will show you metric measurements of some common objects

  • Click here for the Origin of measurements

What is the best way for the world to measure?

  • Click here for an on-line conversion calculator

This will show you metric measurements of some common objects

  • Click here for metric cartoons

Can you draw some of your own?

  • Click here for audio and video madness

Can you create your own visual and auditory mayhem?

  • Click here for a metric memory game

Not too difficult, but fun!

  • Click here for measuring practice







Here are some interesting sites for TEACHERS concerning The MeTrIc SyStEm

  • Click here for worksheets galore!

Word problems, puzzles, and stories for practice.

  • Click here for metric lesson plan

Group practice and lesson outline. pdf.