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bridgetmartha's picture

One of the readings Anne suggested that stood out to me was to read through recent work from SIgns--I also would like a stronger theoretical framework, and I think Signs would offer a variety of opportunities to look at intersectional feminism that could help out a lot moving foward as far as framing my last web event. Evolution's Rainbow also looks quite interesting, although it certainly goes in a different direction than our previous discussions. Not that I think this is necessarily a bad thing, though; it could be very refreshing. I know that I want to get more into theory because so much of our work up until this point has been so personal that I need a bit of a break from that and want something else to write about besides my own experiences/the experiences of those around me.  So I'm not terribly picky; that's just my two cents based on my desire to get into more theory and maybe test the waters of a new direction.

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