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#12 Yes, Representation

#12 Yes, Representation

abby rose's picture

I think we should definitely display our portraits (in patricular, our Camphill portrait and self portrait), but I'm struggling to imagine the most impactful way to do so. There are so many stories and lessons and parts to each portrait that I think just displaying them couldn't do them justice. In terms of sharing about the listening conversations we've had, I want to echo abradycole's dilemma of " if it can’t be done whole-heartedly, does it defeat the purpose of the technique all together?". I've changed a lot because of the conversations we've had, but I don't think I could just explain to someone (and have them listen) about what we've gone through together.

I also would be interested in sharing more about our journey as a class together and how talking/listening has completely changed the way we interact with each other throughout the semester. 

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