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International Students at Bryn Mawr

International Students at Bryn Mawr

Sunshine's picture

I decided to read "Lessons from International Students on Campus Living and Classroom Learning" because it is so relevant to our current life at Bryn Mawr. Especially since many of us in class hold roles on campus that include supporting international students. During DLT training we had a specific section of our week dedicated to how to be supportive (and non-offensive).


So the questions I have are:

1. How many, if any, of the reccomendations have been inacted? I came to Bryn Mawr in 2013, when the article was written, so I don't know if campus culture was drastically different than now. If they were inacted, is there any way to do a follow up and see how students are doing?

2. Was the perception of international students by domestic students taken into consideration, or thought independent of this study all together? So much of the classroom experience at Bryn Mawr is how you interact with other students. As is the rest of campus culture. 

3. Were there any things that the college was doing right? Any aspect of Bryn Mawr where the idea of the Bubble came true and things were easier or good for international students in a way that it normally wouldn't be elsewhere?

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