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Possible things I would have said if I was on class Tuesday

Sydney's picture

What stood out to me the most about the course notes was the part about trying to consider what Cole would say about the text. I think that he would say that the Seeds were too radical in trying to tear apart a field of genetically modified potatoes. However, I think that the actions of the Seeds overall would be deemed as acceptable to Cole. Instead of just talking about how horrific genetically modified foods are, they took action in informing people. Education is powerful in trying to bring about change, and I think that Cole also believes that we need to teach ourselves about international crises before trying to get involved with something. Additionally, the Seeds organized the festival at the Fullers that was dedicated to educating people. Their decision to give away seeds so that people can grow fresh produce also reflects their true desire to bring about a change for the good of others, not just to make them feel better about themselves, which is something that I think Cole especially despised in the “white saviors.”

Also, if I was making a movie, I probably would have chosen a scene when Yumi was with Elliot when she was a teenager. I don’t know why, but I think I would have chosen one of these scenes to show her vulnerability, but also her desire to become someone different. I think a compilation of these scenes would do really well on screen and really reveal Yumi’s passion to escape from the mindset of her town. Unfortunately, she was taken advantage of instead by Elliot.