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Body Image Conversation

Body Image Conversation

Sunshine's picture

We want to focus on body image and the health center. Keeping in mind the techniques of monsoon and benaifer, the health center and the students will talk one on one. Meaning that members of the health center will get to share their experience as much as the students. In order to have a controlled group of students who feel comfortable speaking to member of the health center and wide range of voices, we will send an email to the entire community to invite members to first share their experiences with us and decide who should talk the health center and who would rather write their experiences down. From this we hope that members of the health center will not be attacked and be listened as well as the students. This will humanize the institution that is the health center. 


We would do better explaining this in person 


Sunshine and Ndifrank

Identity Matters Tags




Ndifrank, Sunshine, and I discussed this earlier, but I'd like to add on that they have graciously allowed me to join their group. I realy agree with how well this has been thought out, especially how it takes into account different levels of comfort & ability, and the need for the humanization in this debate. In addition (I thought of this after our in-person conversation), it might be a good idea to set up an anonymous way to add in comments, to even make confidentiality & accessibility greater. 

Can't wait to get this going!






