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my thoughts on feminism and Ifemelu

ndifrank's picture

When thinking of various categories of feminism and Americanah, I find myself wanting to label Ifemelu as a feminist. Yet, when I try to pick which category she would fall into I have hard deciphering if she is purely on category. I think about Adichie's tedx talk and quote used in flawless, the simple definition she gave for what constitutes a feminist. In some aspect I agree that as long as you believe in the social and political equality of the sexes than you are a feminist yet, I have a personal dificulty with both making feminist a broad title or by doing the opposite and catorgorizing feminism. Ifemelu even from her time in secondary school is independent and fights social norms of being a quiet and easy going girl, she pushes auntie Uju to want the best for herself and not settle for Bartholemew, and she does not put the men in her life on a pedestal yet, does she try to make an impact on the world outside of herself and family? A part of me strongly feels she is a feminist yet, I struggle with imagining Ifemelu standing up for someone outside her family and friend and then I think maybe she isnt a feminst  which to me implies some sort of activism and instead she is just a strong woman. I think that feminism to me includes some sort of political or social activism and not only resisting conforming to gender/relationship/ societal norms. I also struggle then identifying what activism is. Does one have to protest or make huge statements to be activist or could they simply make alternative choices within their life?