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smartinez's picture

Before reading any novel, it is usually easy to dive in with one's social norms set in stone. Reading All Over Creation rids of the urge to judge because there are so many cicumstances at stake. Just when you begin to develop an opinion whether it's positive or negative, the lens from another character adds more to base your ultimate judgement on which still isn't concrete because there is so much to consider. This book was a tough read. I had to go back and reread because I was not used to the constant change of which character was now being focused on. But through this confusion I was able to identify the norms that each character adopted and how they changed or failed to change as time passed. Even the effect on potatoes is played with. It's a bit overwhelming to see how human relationships and norms can actually go above and beyond to affect something so small like a potato. Yumi's wreckless ways as a child challeneged her society's norms causing her to leave which further affected her family's effeciency in farming and later affected Cass and her family. It allows expanision on the idea of the domino affect.  Suddenly this book is not just about the humans, it's literally about everything they come in contact with. 

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