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Getting Stuck in Someone Else's Story

Getting Stuck in Someone Else's Story

Leigh Alexander's picture

I would have to agree with changing9's post.  I believe she brings up some very important ascpects of contraint on play, and that time is certainly one of those things we may not immedidately consider.  Likewise I agree that modern society limits play by porviding so many techinlogical spcaes of play.  I agree wirh both her and Weilla that this forum for play is not the same as interacting directly with the world around you.  In viedo games and the like play is defined by the storyline the creators provide and although that may be interesting, children are not given the ability to explore and imagine as they are in free play.  In this way, play becomes not imagination or expression, but problem solving, which, although it may be fun, not only constrains the opportunities that freer, more indepenfdent play could have, but also closely mimics daily life, which may not be the best means of escape if that is what we see the purpose of play as.

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