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Limitation, Not Bad

Limitation, Not Bad

wwu2's picture

I agree with what “External Conflicts” stated, that "social interaction can bring out negative sequences" and that "play is a learned behavior that is largely dependent upon external factors”. Yes, indeed we should grant kids freedom of play to let them grow happily and not contain themselves. However, meanwhile, kids are really susceptible, like white papers that are waiting for colors splashing on. They can’t distinguish between good and bad, so they need experienced people to lead them towards the right direction. At this time, limitation must occur. Parents are the ones who are trying to protect us: when we want to stay over at a friend’s house after party, they told us to come home before midnight; when we want to just relax and do nothing during the weekends, they led us to take piano lessons; when we want to have McDonald’s everyday, they don’t allow us to have any, etc. We might find our parents have pushed us too hard, and we might complain about why they always limit us and do things contradictory to what we want. But it is because parents love us so much that they want us to be versatile, to be safe, to be the best. Therefore, even though limitation somehow constrain people’ s freedom of play, it can foster people to have stronger personalities.

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