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Reflection of Monica and David

ndifrank's picture

What struck me the most about the documentary was how dedicated Monica's mother was. She stated in the beginning that Monica was her life. I respected her for focusing so much on Monica's happiness yet, I wondered if she held any resentment since her life has been surrounding around Monica since she was 20. I wonder if Monica would be more independent if her mother would have been less focused on her. Throughout the movie various people in Monica and David's lives reflected on how capable of independence they both were. Although Monica's mother gave them a seperate section of the house, didn't really give Monica and David much freedom. Due to the fear that they would be stared out, I feel like Monica and David didn't get to experience people other than the ones her mother filtered through special programs and jobs. 

I felt really uncomfortable when Monica and David were thinking about having a baby and Monica's mother said that it was her responsibility to make sure they were protected so they won't have a child.I honestly had no idea how to feel about it. I feel that Monica and David should have the right to have children if they choose yet, I know that if they did have a child their parents would have to help them raise it. Monica and David seemed to just have facade of what they really wanted because of their mother's involvement.