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nienna's picture

Once upon a time, I was Nathalia Holmes aka Sleeping Beauty. My favorite playtime was story time. I cannot count how many memories of spending hours immerse in a fairytale or a comic book I have.

I also had my socializing time with other kids, hide and seek, playing tag, but nothing comparable to the fun I could have with my literary friends. Some personas are still alive in my mind like old friends, like Monica’s gang, the Karas, the Disney Princess to cite some.

I could also cite many of the things I’ve learned with those friends, such as Kindness with Snow White, Being an independent woman with Mulan, writing in codes with the Karas, critical thinking with Sherlock Holmes, not be afraid of my new contact zones with Mulan.

Every time I read I could feel as part of the story, relate to the struggles and to every happily ever after.

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