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Reach for the Trees

Reach for the Trees

Sydney's picture

Everyday at recess, my friends and I tried to touch the leaves of the huge tree with our feet by swinging on the playground. We propelled ourselves with all of our strength, cheering each other on. I remember how sore my arms would feel from pumping excessively, and I recall the way that my hands turned orange from the rust of the swing that I was clutching a little too hard. My friends and I desired to know what would happen if one of us actually succeeded in our endeavour; although, it’s disappointing to admit that none of us had actually touched the trees’ green canopies. However, the hope of one day being that kid who triumphed in gaining so much air, using so much strength, to grab the leaves, kept us going each day. I feel confident enough to admit that without those imaginative days, that school work would have overwhelmed me, even at the age of seven years old.










