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This Week's Work: Sept. 26 - Oct. 3

HSBurke's picture


Sun. 9/28:

(ENGL) By midnight, first 5-pp. web "event" due, analyzing a form of intersectionality (in a text? at Bryn Mawr? where else?)


Mon. 9/29:

(ICPR) Reading: Georgina Kleege, “Introduction,” “The Mind’s Eye,” and “A Portrait of the Artist by His Blind Daughter” from Sight Unseen

Tues, 9/30:

(ENGL) Helen Horowitz,  “A Certain Style of  ‘Quaker Lady’ Dress” and “Behold They Are Women!” Alma Mater: Design and Experience in the Women’s Colleges From their Nineteenth-Century Beginnings to the 1930s. Knopf, 1984. 105-133.

Florence Goff and Karen Tidmarsh. 
Examining Our History: Inclusion/Exclusion at Bryn Mawr. Making Sense of Diversity: A Series of Conversations. November 18, 2005.

(SOWK) Presentation of children’s literature assignment in development groups

(ICPR) Talk: Moon Reader exhibition and artist's talk, 4:30-5:30, Magill Library

Post on Serendip, by Tuesday at 10 PM, a close reading of a portrait.

Choose a portrait or self-portrait of someone with a visible disability: one of Riva’s portraits, a portrait by one of the artists Riva or Rosemarie Garland-Thomson discussed, or one you find on your own. Spend some time looking at the portrait, first simply taking it in visually and then taking notes on what you see. Once you’ve had sufficient time to view the portrait, write a descriptive close reading of it, including Garland-Thomson’s categories of frame, pose, and costume. Also comment on the composition, color, and medium (oil? acrylic? charcoal?), the gaze of the portrait’s subject (directly gazing at the viewer? gazing at an object within the portrait? off into the distance?) and the background. If the portrait’s subject is identified, tell us who it is. You do not need to make an argument, construct a thesis, or do research. Nonetheless, your visual observations may lead you to pose some questions or offer some initial ideas about how the details of the portrait might be interpreted.

Some possible sources for portraits and self-portraits:

Riva Lehrer's Circle Stories and other portraits  

Laura Swanson's Anti-Self-Portraits

Beverly McIver's portraits of her sister Renee and others

Doug Auld's States of Grace

Nina Berman's Purple Hearts

Chris Rush: 17 portraits

 Wed. 10/1: 

(ICPR) Georgina Kleege, "Voices in My Head" and "Up Close, In Touch" from Sight Unseen.  

Thurs. 10/2: 

(ENGL) Minnie Bruce Pratt. “Identity: Skin, Blood, Heart.” Yours in Struggle: Three Feminist Perspectives on Anti-Semitism and Racism. Ed. Elly Bulkin, Minnie Bruce Pratt, and Barbara Smith. New York: Long Haul Press, 1984. 11-63.

Alex Juhasz. One Feminist Online Media Mantrafesto. Feminist Online Spaces: Building and LInking Principled Sites in Collaboration. October 14, 2011.