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Meanwhile, at other Colleges...

Meanwhile, at other Colleges...

Hummingbird's picture

Just wanted to share what's happening right now at Colgate College (a private liberal arts college in upstate NY):

I'm also remembering Mt. Holyoke's actions last year, Harvard and Oxford's "I Too Am" campaigns, and Wesleyan's sit-in on race and inclusion. (see the first paragraph of the intro to something I wrote last semester for links/sources/bringing-together). Bryn Mawr is not alone in its solidarity demonstration! I'm excited and somewhat overwhelmed by the ways students across campuses could be banding together on this subject and supporting one another to amplify our voices. Could a final action for our 360 involve bridging colleges and building support systems for students, faculty, staff interested in making our schools more inclusive, welcoming spaces?


PS-- The "Additional Readings and Resources" section of the writing I did last semester may be useful for anyone writing on race at college campus (particularly within the Bi-Co, as I catalogue some news articles and other sources). 

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