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Reactions to Eli's Story

Reactions to Eli's Story

aclark1's picture

Who would’ve thought someone could begin by using a mountain as a metaphor? I found it surprising. The taste of his literature was very fruitful. I appreciated how he was able to introduce different aspects that referred back to race, the environment, surroundings and sexuality. I value his words because he makes the reader reflect. Therefore, you’re constantly in tune with his words because you are trying your best to figure out things about you. I thought of the same question that my peer thought of, which was, “Have I ever influenced others?” It makes you think, Well, am I a good role-modle? Do I lead an inspiring lifestyle? It’s the struggles that people often think about when they reflect on their day, but they are never explored because they aren’t ever honest with themselves. Its questions that are reviewed and then pushed away because they are questions that make people cringe. Everyone wants to be perfect. Therefore, they never try to do anything out of their norm. That’s what they’re good at and that’s why its in their personal routine. 










