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Intersectionality of Identity

Intersectionality of Identity

changing9's picture

While reading the first part of Exile and Pride by Eli Clare, the part that intrigued me the most was the way in which Clare discusses "exile". The manner in which Clare draws attention to the fact that she felt unsafe in her own home due to the sexual and physical abuse she suffered through, and the complexity in the term "home" were all beautifully written out in ways that state clearly that this text was not written to gather sympathy for a disabled queer individual, but to highlight the intersectionality of identity. 

Clare's identity and experience as a white genderqueer activist is a prime example of how complex identity is and how people generalize these widely varied elements of identity to suit their requirements. Clare and her fellow activists would receive homophobic feedback when they were fighting towards the cause of environmentalism, and just happened to be lesbians. 

Just like aquato, I was slightly confused by the first part of Exile and Pride by Eli Clare. Considering the title of the book- "Exile and Pride- disability, queerness and liberation" I think I expected a story about a disabled, queer individual overcoming obstacles and finding success. This is probably why I was confused by the extensive discussion of logging, fishing and environmentalism and the very slight mention of disability. However, while reading on I came across a passage which made me think, again, about generalizations and intersectionality. Clare discusses the image that environmentalists portrayed of the "dumb brute" loggers, and goes on to write about Jim, a logger who seems quite the opposite of the image portrayed by these institutions for their benefit.

It is my opinion that Part One of the book has set the stage very well for what's to come in Part Two, and I myself cannot wait to read it.


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