March 22, 2015 - 21:24

I'm interested in looking at how expecting students to bring themselves into the classroom is empowering and destabilizing (causing "crisis" in the Kirashimo sense). I've found that the most influential classes ask me to bring my outside passions and experiences into the classroom. This has the potential for being really growthful but could also go terribly wrong. I want to look at how to do that effectively at the college level in different disciplines to help students who may feel disempowered in a subject to explore their voices in different ways. This feels like a big topic, but I also want it to be useful in the bico context because I feel like this could be really helpful for our classrooms especially since we have so much student voice.
empowerment and destabilization
Submitted by jccohen on March 24, 2015 - 07:37 Permalink
This is a close-to-the-bone topic -- 'crisis' in higher ed classrooms -- and well worth pursuing. Since it's in both higher ed and student voice arenas, you might want to touch base with Alison Cook-Sather in terms of suggested readings. Here's a piece that speaks to crisis in higher ed: Felman, Shoshana, "Education and Crisis, or the Vicissitudes of Teaching" (in Caruth's Trauma: Explorations in Memory) And you might also look further at Ellworth's book Teaching Positions (from which we read one chap.), and Kumashiro also has probably done further work on this issue in higher ed.
I agree that it's a big topic, but suspect that as you begin to do some reading, you'll narrow it down. Also, are you planning to include interviews and/or classroom observations as part of this? If so, let me know if you want to touch base about these processes.