November 30, 2014 - 17:56

There are two items within the memoir that intrigue me in particular. The first is the powerful presence of Anna’s sense of place as an organizing principle of her life. The structure of the memoir is in fact organized around each place of residence, so much so that each move is the narrative creator or at least Keeper of memories and Measure of Life. The second is reading this in the context of my own Dad’s memoir, which I am first reading at this time. My dad (with the same day of marriage!) wrote his memoir with dementia in control and it is fascinating to see the story from the other side. Margie mentioned that Anna, too, is showing signs of dementia. I can’t wait to meet her and better understand her own situation in terms of the writing itself. If it is appropriate, I would like to talk with her about her own dementia as revealed in the writing and whether the writing process for her, dementia or not, was therapeutic for her. I also am wondering what the chair means at the start of each chapter!