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This Week's Work: Sept. 12 - Sept. 19

HSBurke's picture

Fri 9/12:
(SOWK) By 5 p.m, please respond to Double XX's Challenge Question.

Sun. 9/14:

(ICPR) Post on Serendip, by Sunday at 5, an image (ad, photo, film or video clip, etc) depicting or implying disability, and a written reflection on this image. Look for an image that either takes an interesting/unusual approach or calls for critique. Video clips should be one minute or less. If you wish, you may draw on or challenge RGT's visual rhetorics of disability in discussing your image or clip.  

Mon. 9/15:
(ICPR)  Viewing: especially Circle Stories and Self-Portraits

Reading: Rosemarie Garland-Thomson, “The Politics of Staring: Visual Rhetorics of Disability in Popular Photography”

(ENGL) By 5 p.m: Create a webby post, reflecting back on this week's discussion of Eli Clare's memoir, and applying what you have learned to the current conversation on campus about the admission of trans women. Think about the role that environment plays in creation of the self: What might be the effect, on transwomen, of being welcomed by BMC? What is the effect, on transmen, of being welcomed here? (Feel free to flip the question--what might be the effect on the campus of a larger population of transfolk?) That ismake local the questions we've been exploring in class: What happens when you start identity work with place? What role does environment play in the construction of identity?

Tues, 9/16:
(ENGL) We will be working under Riva's guide on a project called "Ghost Parade," about our childhood bodies, and who we thought we were, growing up.

(SOWK) Riva Lehrer comes to campus! 

Wed. 9/17:
(ICPR) In-class Perceptual Drawing project with Riva Lehrer

Thurs. 9/18:
(ENGL) Michael Bérubé. "Epilogue." Life As We Know It: A Father, A Family and an Exceptional Child. New York : Vintage Books, 1998, 1996. 250-264.
G. Thomas Couser. 
"Auto/Biographical, Biomedical, and Ethnographic Ethics." Vulnerable Subjects: Ethics and Life Writing. Ithaca : Cornell University Press, 2004. 14-33.
 (ICPR) Michael Bérubé. "Epilogue." Life As We Know It: A Father, A Family and an Exceptional Child. New York : Vintage Books, 1998, 1996. 250-264.
G. Thomas Couser. 
"Auto/Biographical, Biomedical, and Ethnographic Ethics." Vulnerable Subjects: Ethics and Life Writing. Ithaca : Cornell University Press, 2004. 14-33.
(both essays are in protected reading files for both ICPR and ENGL)
Kristin will join us; Riva will facilitate a conversation about the ethics of portraiture and informed consent.

Fri. 9/19: Visit Camphill Village from 12 noon - 4