November 1, 2014 - 03:08

Sun. 11/2:
(ICPR) Serendip posting is optional this week. Either post or bring to class some reflections on a particular idea or passage from the readings that you'd like to discuss in class. Your reflections can relate either to the Johnson, Singer, and Walters readings for Monday OR to the Price and Waldman readings for last week, which some of you will be reading for Monday. We'll spend some time on both sets of readings and we'll try to stay more focused on the readings in class.
(SOWK) A posting is due by 5pm; how does this article align with prevalent assessment frames for working with older adults (see Silverstone from Week 8)? You might also comment on the impact of social constructions of old age, race, gender, or class as they relate to the tone of this article.
Please remember to sign your posts with your first name and to "tag" them under "identity matters tags" (which are listed below) under "Aging".
Mon. 11/3:
(ENGL) By 5 p.m. post the questions raised for you by Mohanty, Nnaemeka, or
Cook-Sather and her co-writers: where would you like to focus our discussion on Tuesday?
(ICPR) Reading: Harriet McBryde Johnson, “Unspeakable Conversations,” in DSR
Peter Singer, “Life and Death Decisions for Disabled Infants,” from Practical Ethics (pdf)
Peter Singer, "Happy Nevertheless" (pdf, 1 page)
Shannon Walters, “Unruly Rhetorics: Disability, Animality, and New Kinship Compositions” (pdf)
And for those of you who didn't read these articles last week:
Margaret Price, "Introduction" from Mad at School: Rhetorics of Mental Disability and Academic Life (pdf)
Katy Waldman, "Patterns and Panels: How Comics Portray Psychological Illness" (link below)
Tues. 11/4:
(ENGL) Alison Cook-Sather, Roselyn Appenteng, Huipu Li, Vrinda Varia, and Yiran Zhang. Lessons from international Students on Campus Living and Classroom Learning. POD Conference. Pittsburgh, PA. November 9, 2013.
Obioma Nnaemeka. Nego-feminism: Theorising, Practicing, and Pruning Africa's way. Signs 29, 2 (Winter 2004): 357-385.
(SOWK) Readings for week of 11/04 and 11/11:
See the Kaiser Family Foundation for discussion on the Affordable Care Act
See also articles by Gellis and McCracken, and McCracken and Gellis
Interview Paper Due 11/11/14
Wed. 11/5:
(ICPR) Work TBD in class Monday
Thurs. 11/6:
(ENGL) Tamar Lewin. "'Sisters' Colleges See a Bounty in the Middle East." Global Classrooms. The New York Times. June 3, 2008.
Chandra Mohanty. Under Western Eyes Revisited: Feminist Solidarity through Anticapitalist Struggles. Signs 28, 2 (2002): 499-535.