October 3, 2014 - 10:46

Sun. 10/5:
(SOWK) By 5pm on 10/5: post to the following Challenge Question;
Review the American College Health Association survey results, and using some of the developmental concepts in the Kroger text, offer some interpretation of the survey results in regards to mental health (beginning on page 13).
(ICPR) Post on Serendip, by 5 PM, a reflection on some aspect of the film Monica and David and its representation of intellectual disability.
Mon. 10/6:
(ENGL) By 5 p.m.: post a "mantrafesto" of your vision of collaborative work:
how to bring together folks who see the world differently?
How to build inclusive community (@ Bryn Mawr, for starters)?
What are its edges? Where is it bounded? How to get beyond?
(Do you want/think we should try to "get beyond"?
(ICPR)Viewing: Alexandra Codina, director, documentary film Monica and David (Available through Netflix, Amazon, and other sites. I tried to put it on reserve at Magill Library, but their copy of the film seems to be lost. . . they're looking for it.)
Tues, 10/7:
(SOWK) The tasks and complexity of middle age
Gender and middle age; The older woman in media for young girls
Read entire Cohen text
Solomon, A. (2013) Chapters 1- Far from the Tree
Bettelheim remaining pages on The Jealous Queen and Snow White
(ENGL) Patricia Williams. The Emperor's New Clothes. Chapter One. Seeing a Colorblind Future: The Paradox of Race. 1997 BBC Reight Lectures. New York: Farrar, Straus and Girous, 1998.
Riki Wilchins. "Race Critical Thought and Postmodernism's 'Second Wave.'" Queer Theory, Gender Theory: An Instant Primer. Los Angeles: Alyson Publications, 2004. 107-121.
Keguro Macharia. On Quitting. The New Inquiry. May 3, 2013.
Sabrina Alli. Carceral Educations. The New Inquiry. September 22, 2014. (SOWK) Presentation of children’s literature assignment in development groups
4:30-6 p.m., Carpenter 21: Created Equal Event: Ruth Wilson Gilmore speaking about Slavery by Another Name
Wed. 10/8:
(ICPR) Before class: post the portraits you're writing about on Serendip so you can show them in class (you can add your completed essay later).
Discuss nearly-completed essays in class. 5-6 minutes each: show the portraits you're writing about, articulate some of your ideas about them, describe something you're still trying to figure out. We'll have to stick closely to the allotted time to make sure everyone has a chance to talk about their project.
5-7 page essay due by midnight
In this essay, you will construct an argument/interpretation based on a close reading of two or three portraits. You may write about the portrait you have already explored or you may choose new ones. You must provide some rationale for your grouping: for example, you could write about portraits in the same series or portraits that you want to compare or contrast in some specific way.
Some questions you might consider: What social, cultural, or institutional work are these portraits doing? Through what aesthetic strategies (here’s where your close reading comes in) does it accomplish this work? How do these portraits reinforce, question, or challenge our expectations of portraiture?
You will draw on close readings of your portraits as evidence to support your argument, but you do not necessarily need to include all of the details you noted in your earlier close reading. You want to give your reader a sense of the portrait as a whole, but you also want to focus on the particular aesthetic strategies (whether they have to do with framing, costume, color, expression, pose, or something else) that are most relevant to your argument.
Thurs. 10/9:
(ENGL) 1-3:30 on the first floor of Canaday: writing workshop with Chika Unigwe, author of On Black Sisters Street.
Fri. 10/10- Sun. 10/19 FALL BREAK:
(ALL CLASSES) Trip with the 360 cluster to Camphill Village in Kimberton, PA, an intentional community that includes adults with intellectual disabilities. Drawing on our conversations about ethical portraiture and storytelling and with Riva Lehrer’s guidance, we will create portraits of Camphill villagers.
(ENGL) read Americanah