November 8, 2014 - 18:25

Sun. 11/9:
(ICPR) Post on Serendip by 5 PM Sunday: a reflection on the film and/or reading for Monday.
Mon. 11/10:
(ENGL) By 5 p.m. Mon, 11/8 Posting #10: webby post of your initial reactions to Satrapi's novel:
What interests (grabs/puzzles/troubles) you? What would you like us to talk about?
(ICPR) Viewing: Judy Lieff, director, documentary film Deaf Jam
Reading: Andrew Solomon, “Deaf,” in Far From the Tree (pdf)
Tues. 11/11:
(ENGL) Marjane Satrapi. Persepolis: The Story of a Childhood. New York: Pantheon, 2003.
Interview Paper Due
Readings for week of 11/04 and 11/11:
See the Kaiser Family Foundation for discussion on the Affordable Care Act
See also articles by Gellis and McCracken, and McCracken and Gellis
Wed. 11/12:
(ICPR) H-Dirksen Bauman and Joseph J. Murray, "Deaf Studies in the 21st Century: "Deaf-Gain" and the future of Human Diversity" in DSR
H. Dirksen-Bauman, “Designing Deaf Babies and the Question of Disability” (pdf)
Thurs. 11/13:
(ENGL) Afsaneh Najmabadi. "Truth of Sex." January 12, 2005.
Marjane Satrapi. Persepolis 2: The Story of a Return. New York: Pantheon, 2005.
Class meets without Anne (who will be attending “Feminist Transgressions,” the National Women's Studies Conference in San Juan, Puerto Rico, presenting with colleagues about her work “Seeking Justice Inside and Outside the Walls” (on teaching in prison)
Fri. 11/14
(ICPR) Fri, Nov. 14-Sun, Nov. 16--students travel individually, by train, to view the portraits
@ The Barnes Foundation, 2025 Benjamin Franklin Pkwy, Philadelphia, PA 19130--or
the Paul Strand exhibit @ the Philadelphia Museum of Art