November 21, 2014 - 14:17

Fri. 11/21:
Visit to the Mütter Museum with Riva, 12 pm – 4 pm
(ICPR) Essay #2, due Thanksgiving week.
A 5-7 page essay that explores any aspect of disability using a key concept or theory and drawing on close readings of at least two primary sources OR on original research in the form of interviews, observations, etc. Post your essay on Serendip sometime during the week of Nov. 24, Friday Nov. 28 at 6 PM at the latest. On Monday, Nov. 24, each of you will talk about your project for 5 minutes in class and solicit questions and suggestions.
Mon. 11/24:
(ICPR) 5-minute presentation in class of your work-in-progress.
Think about how best to present your key questions and ideas and how to ask your listeners to help you move to the next stage of your project.
(ENGL) By 5 PM postings #11 & #12--planning for the future.
[It would be very helpful if you could make both of these postings
"webby," so I could better see the relationships among them...thanks!]
#11) What would you like to read for the three classes following Thanksgiving?
What do you think you/we need to be learning about during this time...? We could return
to an assigned text that we didn't finish discussing--Perspolis--or one never got around to discussing--
Williams on The Emperor's New Clothes, Nnaemeka on Nego-feminism--or a new text that might help you
prepare for your next webevent, such as Marilyn Waring's Counting for Nothing, or the video about her work,
Who's Counting? or Peggy McIntosh's "Interactive Phases of Curricular Re-Vision: A Feminist Perspective"--
or something else.
#12) proposal for what our on-campus intersectional event might entail (including what your role might be).
What have we learned that would be most useful to share with others on campus?
How best to showcase and share our work? What form should this sharing take:
a gallery, talks, a workshop, some combination of the above? Who will take on which tasks?
To get something of a sense of what this project might entail,
see the invitation to the story slam sponsored by the Ecoliteracy 360° last April,
and to the interactive installation we hosted in May, as well as to the workshop
on race and privilege (which included presentations of some of the work we did)
sponsored two years ago by the Women in Walled Communities 360°.
Tues. 11/25:
(ENGL) Please review all the Monday night postings, along with the instructions for Checklist and Final Portfolio, and come to class with any questions you have about end-of-semester preparations. We'll review all expectations, before deciding on our final readings, and beginning to brainstorm for our final on-campus "intersectional" event.
(SOWK) Film: Still Doing It
Wed. 11/26: (ICPR) No class! Happy Thanksgiving!
Fri. 11/28: (ICPR) Post your essay on Serendip sometime during the week of Nov. 24, Friday Nov. 28 at 6 PM at the latest