November 14, 2014 - 10:43

Fri. 11/14
(All Classes) Fri, Nov. 14-Sun, Nov. 16--students travel individually, by train, to view the portraits
@ The Barnes Foundation, 2025 Benjamin Franklin Pkwy, Philadelphia, PA 19130--or
the Paul Strand exhibit @ the Philadelphia Museum of Art
Sun. 11/16:
(ENGL) By 5 p.m.: second 5-pp. web "event" due, reporting in on
the "storytelling and listening event" you have hosted at Bryn Mawr.
Who/what/when/where/how did it happen? What did you learn from the happening?
What seem to you possible next steps in this process? This web event,
like the listening event itself, can (should?) be co-created. [no Monday post due this week]
Required: By 5 p.m.: post on Serendip a proposal for Essay #2. The prompt for the essay is below. In your proposal, start thinking through the questions you want to ask, the concepts or theoretical framework(s) you want to bring to your questions, and the primary sources (at least two) with which you want to engage. Reading your posts will help me prepare to meet with each of you next week to discuss your proposed project.
Optional: Post a brief close reading and reflection on a portrait or series of portraits you saw at the Barnes or PMA. How might this portrait (or series) shape your approach to the self-portrait you'll be working on this week? Does it tell you anything new about the history and practice of portraiture? About how we represent others or represent ourselves? Was there anything that surprised you about the portraits you saw at the Barnes/PMA?
Essay #2, due Thanksgiving week.
Begin with a series of questions you want to ask about some aspect of disability experience or representation. Choose from our readings (or from other related reading) a theoretical approach or concept that will help you to explore your questions. For example, if you want to think more fully about how disability alters time, you can draw on Halberstam's notion of "queer time" and Kafer's notion of "crip time" in the articles we read, and then select a couple of primary sources that allow you to think about crip time in a new way or through a particular lens. The concept doesn't need to come from a theoretical article--literary essays and other genres can also introduce useful concepts. Choose at least two primary sources; your close readings of these sources will help you to develop your argument. Primary sources can include works of visual art, film, works of literary fiction or nonfiction (Clare, Kleege, McBryde Johnson, Mairs, Solomon, etc), interviews, ethnographic observations, or other sources appropriate to a discipline with which you're familiar. Run an idea by me if you're not sure what "counts" as a primary source or primary research. (For example, if you want to think about access, exploring the BMC campus for particular examples of access/universal design or lack thereof could constitute primary research). If you want to write about something related to disability that we haven't talked about much in class, I'd be happy to help you find resources.
So, in sum: A 5-7 page essay that explores any aspect of disability using a key concept or theory and drawing on close readings of at least two primary sources OR on original research in the form of interviews, observations, etc. Post your essay on Serendip sometime during the week of Nov. 24, Friday Nov. 28 at 6 PM at the latest. On Monday, Nov. 24, each of you will talk about your project for 5 minutes in class and solicit questions and suggestions.
Mon. 11/17:
(ICPR) BRING YOUR ART SUPPLIES TO CLASS! Self-Portrait project with Riva Lehrer
Tues. 11/18:
(ENGL) Working on self-portraits with Riva
(SOWK) Please begin reading Anna Strosser's memoir Who Cares the week of November 17th. Please post some thoughts on the memoir and some questions you'd like to pose to Anna in class on 12/2 by November 30th at 5pm.
Wed. 11/19:
(ICPR) Self-Portrait project with Riva Lehrer
Thurs. 11/20:
(ENGL) class cancelled, in order that you may attend Riva's public talk:
4:30 p.m., Th 11/20: Riva Lehrer, "The Ethics of Portraiture." Humanities Center Seminar Room, Stokes Hall, Haverford
Fri. 11/21:
Visit to the Mütter Museum with Riva, 12 pm – 4 pm