November 24, 2014 - 10:36

I would find it more helpful to move forward rather than cover former texts. While I think that we could have rich discussions on texts, and I am interested in what we’ve read so far, I really enjoy having a breadth of ideas. For once, like, ever, I’d like to have just a bit more theory. I don’t have specific suggestions... Maybe reading more critical feminist articles like you might find in anthologies might be nice to move forward? Also, maybe I’d really like is to incorporating more film/video as mentioned, but honestly I have no preference… (and I acknowledge this may not be the most accessible thing for the Concussion Club still)
Using what Anne posted, these are some of my feelings:
- Definitely interested in these: “Bringing Together Feminist Theory and Practice,” Signs 21 // recent issues of Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society // Evolution's Rainbow // Edgework: Critical Essays on Knowledge and Politics
- I've already read a ton of bell hooks and I could really take or leave Judith Butler